Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ice Fishing Safety Tips

Ten Great Ice Fishing Safety Tips

Going Into this 2013 Ice Fishing season the New England temperatures have not been co-operating with the ice fishing enthusiast. Do to the temperature changes the ice has not had enough sustainable cold temperatures to freeze appropriately. Here is some good safety tips to follow.
Here are some safety tips every person venturing out onto frozen lakes should observe:
  • Leave information about your plans with someone -- where you intend to fish and when you expect to return.
  • Wear a personal floatation device and don't fish alone.
  • Ice varies in thickness and condition. Always carry an ice spud or chisel to check ice as you proceed.
  • Be extremely cautious crossing ice near river mouths, points of land, bridges, islands, and over reefs and springs. Current causes ice to be thinner over these areas.
  • Avoid going onto the ice if it has melted away from the shore. This indicates melting is underway, and ice can shift position as wind direction changes.
  • Waves from open water can quickly break up large areas of ice. If you can see open water in the lake and the wind picks up, get off!
  • Carry a set of hand spikes to help you work your way out onto the surface of the ice if you go through. Holding one in each hand, you can alternately punch them into the ice and pull yourself up and out. You can make these at home, using large nails, or you can purchase them at stores that sell fishing supplies.
  • Carry a safety line that can be thrown to someone who has gone through the ice.
  • Leave your car or truck on shore. Every year several motor vehicles go through the ice on Vermont lakes, and people have drowned as a result.
  • Heated fishing shanties must have good ventilation to prevent deadly carbon monoxide poisoning. Open a window or the door part way to allow n fresh air.

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